Blog chicfashic

Sustainable supply chain
The supply chain is the process that allows to bring a product or service to the market, transferring it from

Post-doc Fabiola wants to save the environment in style
Original Post Fabiola Polli has two passions: science and sustainable clothing. Her love for science led her to a PhD

It’s slow fashion season!
In recent years, the fashion industry has brought with it a huge negative impact on the environment that many people

How To Create a Sustainable Wardrobe
Having a more sustainable wardrobe has become a real priority because it represents a first step that each of us

How the fashion industry is linked to the amazon rainforest wildfires
The Amazon rainforest, known as “The Lungs” of planet Earth, absorbs 2 billion tons of CO2 every year, about 5%

Chicfashic News articles University of Groningen
Original Post Chicfashic, a second hand sustainable market place and fashion community that gives you the opportunity to do something

A guide to find your personal style
Knowing your personal style you will have a clear idea of what you own and what you need, in this

20 documentaries about sustainability to watch
Knowing your personal style you will have a clear idea of what you own and what you need, in this

5 everyday items that are bad for the environment
In our daily life we often use items that have a strong negative impact on the environment, but of which